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Head Lice Information

Head Lice Information

Head lice continue to be a nuisance and most likely will never be eradicated. There are measures that can be taken to keep head lice infestation to a minimum.


Standard School District recognizes that parents are responsible for their children and treating their children for conditions such as head lice. Students may be checked at school for head lice. This will be done as discreetly as possible. If lice are found, the parent/guardian will be notified by school personnel. The student, family and home should be treated thoroughly as outlined on the reverse side of this information sheet.


After treatment, the child is to return to school to be checked by school personnel to determine the presence of head lice. A parent or guardian must accompany the child to the school office for this check each day until the problem is resolved.

A student should not miss more than one day for head lice. A continued absence due to head lice is unacceptable and will be reported. Our district reports unsatisfactory attendance to the appropriate agencies including the Kern County Department of Human Services and the district's truancy reduction board (SARB).


Parents/guardians are encouraged to check their children for head lice on a regular basis. Home treatment should begin immediately if head lice or nits are found. See guidelines on back. Head lice or bug sprays for furniture, carpets, etc. are not recommended as vacuuming is more effective. Please notify your child's school office any time your child has head lice so we are aware of the problem.


Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the school office or the school nurse.