Welcome to the Human Resources page of the Standard School District! Our goal is to provide exemplary services to our current and future employees. We strive to meet your needs in a timely, courteous, and professional manner while working with integrity and compassion. Here, you will find information about employment opportunities, benefits, salary schedules, and much more. Standard School District is continuously seeking dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who are interested in creating a positive learning environment for our students. We are always striving to improve our processes and procedures, and welcome your feedback and suggestions. We look forward to working with you.
Brooke Davis
Cassandra De Los Santos Aguilar |
Rose Alvarez |
Standard School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Standard School District ensures equal employment opportunities regardless of race, creed, gender, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability. Standard School District has a policy of active recruitment of qualified minority teachers and non-certified employees. Any individual needing assistance in making application for any opening should contact the Department of Human Resources.
10 Reasons to Work for Standard
Classified substitutes are paid at Step 1 of the Classification (job) they are performing for the hours worked per day. See the Classified Classification and Salary Schedule for rates.
If you are interested in applying for a Substitute position, please walk-in to the District office to complete a paper application.
The Human Resources Department proctors the Paraprofessional Exam in-house. With successful completion of this exam, you are qualified to apply for Instructional Aide positions.
Please contact us by emailing hr@standardschools.net or calling (661) 392-2110 to schedule your Paraprofessional Exam.